
a. abstract of title k. opinion of title
b. abstracter l. owner's policy
c. actual notice m. quiet title suit
d. certificates of title n. reissue rates
e. constructive notice o. title cloud
f. inquiry notice p. title plant
g. judgment rolls q. title report
h. lender's policy r. tract index
i. lis pendens index s. vested
j. notary public t. witness
1> where information on judgments against recent owners may be found
2> reduced rates offered by some title companies if previous owner's policy is available
3> one who signs a document stating that they have witnessed a parties signature
4> a summary of all recorded documents affecting title to a given parcel of land
5> a person authorized to take acknowledgements
6> a report made by a title insurance company showing current title condition
7> expert in the field of title search
8> a system for listing recorded documents affecting a particular tract of land
9> a publicly available index whereby a person can learn of any pending lawsuits that may affect title
10> possessed by; owned by
11> notice given by public records or by visible possession coupled with the legal presumption that all persons are thereby notified
12> a title defect
13> an opinion by an attorney as to who owns a parcel of land
14> court-ordered hearings held to determine land ownership
15> a duplicate set of public records maintained by a title company
16> knowledge gained from what one has seen, heard, read, or observed
17> insurance to protect a property owner against monetary loss if his title is found to be imperfect
18> claims to property rights the law presumes a reasonably diligent person would find through further investigation
19> a title policy written to protect a real estate lender
20> a statement as to the ownership of a property that is made by an attorney after reading the abstract


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