
a. accelerated depreciation k. investment strategy
b. active investor l. leverage
c. appreciation m. master limited partnership
d. at-risk rules n. negative cash flow
e. blind pool o. negative leverage
f. cash flow p. non-recourse financing
g. cash-on-cash q. passive investor
h. downside risk r. prospectus
i. equity build-up s. straight-line depreciation
j. GLITAMAD t. tax shelter
1> number of dollars remaining each year after collecting rents and paying operating expenses and mortgage payments
2> requires the investor to dip into her own pocket
3> income tax savings that an investor can produce for its owner
4> results from mortgage reduction and price appreciation
5> an acronym that refers to the various phases of the life cycle of improved property
6> a method of calculating depreciation that takes equal amounts of depreciation each year
7> any method of depreciation that achieves a faster rate of depreciation than the straight-line method
8> a limited partnership wherein properties are purchased after the limited partners have invested their money
9> the possibility that an investor will lose his money in an investment
10> a disclosure statement that describes an investment opportunity
11> the cash flow of a property divided by the amount of cash needed to purchase it
12> as defined by tax law, the amount an investor risks in an investment
13> the impact that borrowed funds have on investment return
14> an investor who takes an active role in property management, as defined by income tax law
15> limited partnership that can be traded on a stock exchange nearly as easily as corporate stock
16> financing where the borrower is not personally liable
17> a limited partner who does not materially participate on a "regular, substantial, and continuous basis"
18> if the borrowed funds cost more than the benefits they are producing
19> increase in property value that the owner hopes will occur while owning it
20> a plan to balance the returns available with the risks that must be taken to achieve those returns


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