
a. accountability f. passive sensor
b. escalated g. profiles
c. event horizon h. sensor
d. inline sensor i. stateful protocol analysis
e. intrusion j. true positive
1/ an attempt to gain unauthorized access to network resources
2/ the entire length of an attack
3/ a genuine attack detected successfully by an IDPS
4/ an NIDPS sensor positioned so that all traffic on the network segment is
examined as it passes through
5/ an IDPS component that monitors traffic on a network segment
6/ increasing an intrusion response to a higher level
7/ sets of characteristics that describe network services and resources a user or group normally accesses
8/ the process of maintaining a table of current connections so that abnormal traffic can be identified
9/ the ability to track an attempted attack or intrusion back to its source
10/ an NIDPS sensor that examines copies of traffic on the network


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