
a. adjusted sales price k. front-foot basis
b. ad valorem tax l. improvement district
c. amount realized m. installment method
d. appropriation process n. long-term capital gain
e. assessed value o. mill rate
f. assessment appeal board p. public improvement
g. assessment roll q. special assessments
h. basis r. tax certificate
i. conveyance tax s. tax deed
j. documentary tax t. tax lien
1> a tax expressed in tenths of a cent per dollar of assessed valuation
2> according to value
3> a document issued at a tax sale that entitles the purchaser to a deed at a later date if the is not redeemed
4> the enactment of a taxing body's budget and sources of money into law
5> a book that contains the assessed value of each property in the taxing district
6> a document conveying to property purchased at a tax sale
7> a value placed on a property for the purpose of taxation
8> assessments levied to provide publicly built improvements that will primarily benefit property owners within a small geographical area
9> a charge or levy based directly on the measured distance that a parcel of land abuts a street
10> sales price of a property less fix-up costs and sales commissions, closing and other selling costs
11> a preferential income tax treatment on the sale of an appreciated asset before 1987
12> sale of an appreciated property structured to spread out the payment of income taxes on the gain
13> hears complaints from property owners regarding their assessments
14> a state or local tax charged on deeds at the time of recording
15> the geographical area which will be assessed for a local improvement
16> an improvement that benefits the public at large and is therefore financed by general property taxes
17> a charge or hold by a government against property to ensure the payment of taxes
18> the price paid for property; used in calculating income taxes
19> a fee or tax on deeds and other documents payable at the time of recordation
20> selling price of a home less selling expenses


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