
a. AES f. XOR function
b. block cipher g. IPsec
c. ciphertext h. key management
d. cryptanalysis i. plaintext
e. DES j. stream cipher
1/ the study of breaking encryption methods
2/ unreadable text, programs that do not execute, and graphics you cannot view
3/ A set of standard procedures that the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) developed for enabling secure communication on the Internet
4/ a type of encryption algorithm that encrypts one bit at a time
5/ the current U.S. government standard for cryptographic protocols
6/ readable text, programs that execute, and graphics you can view
7/ an older protocol composed of a 16-round Feistel network with XOR functions, permutation functions, 64 S-box functions, and fixed key schedules
8/ a way to prevent keys from being discovered and used to decipher encrypted messages
9/ a cryptographic primitive based on binary bit logic and used as a linear mixing function, combining values for use in further computations
10/ a type of encryption algorithm that encrypts groups of cleartext characters


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