
a. agent k. price fixing
b. agency by estoppel l. principal
c. boycotting m. property report
d. buyer's broker n. puffing
e. commingling o. sales associate
f. dual agency p. special agency
g. fiduciary relationship q. subagent
h. implied authority r. third parties
i. middleman s. trust account
j. ostensible authority t. universal agency
1> a person who authorizes another to act
2> persons who are not parties to a contract but may be affected by it
3> an agency created for the performance of specific acts only
4> a person who brings two or more parties together but does not assist in conducting negotiations
5> one broker representing two or more parties in a transaction
6> mixing of client's or customer's funds with an agent's personal funds
7> two or more listing brokers agreeing to charge a 7% commission
8> a licensed salesperson or broker who works for a broker
9> agency authority arising from custom, common usage, and conduct of the parties involved
10> a relationship that requires trust, honesty, and exercise of good business judgment
11> a separate account for holding client's and customer's money
12> refusing to work with another broker because of an arbitrary set of rules
13> refers to the agency relationship of a broker's sales associate to the seller
14> a broker employed by and therefore loyal to the buyer
15> government required information that must be given to purchasers in a subdivision
16> the principal gives the agent legal power to transact matters of all types
17> the person empowered to act by and on behalf of the principal
18> an agency relationship created by the conduct of the principal
19> statements a reasonable person would recognize as non-factual or extravagant
20> results when a principal fails to maintain due diligence over her agent and the agent exercises powers not granted to him


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