
a. allodial system k. fee simple
b. chattel l. feudal system
c. common law m. freehold estate
d. community property n. homestead protection
e. consequential damages o. lessor
f. deed restrictions p. life estate
g. easement q. periodic tenancy
h. eminent domain r. police power
i. encroachment s. property taxes
j. encumbrance t. severance damages
1> the right of government to take privately held land for fair compensation
2> the conveyance of fee title for the duration of someone's life
3> an award to a property owner whose land is not taken but which suffers because of a nearby public land use
4> taxes levied against privately held land based on its value
5> the landlord or fee owner
6> an article of personal property
7> the right of government to enact law and enforce them for the order, safety, health, morals, and general welfare of the public
8> an estate in land that is held in fee or for life
9> compensation for the loss in market value that results from splitting up a property in condemnation proceeding
10> the largest, most complete bundle of rights one can hold in land, land ownership
11> a tenancy that provides for continuing automatic renewal until canceled
12> law that develops from custom and usage over long periods of time
13> all land ownership rests in the name of the king
14> one in which individuals are given the right to own land
15> provisions placed in deeds to control how future landowners may or may not use the property
16> state laws that protect against the forced sale of a person's home
17> the right or privilege one party has to use land belonging to another for a special purpose
18> any impediment to a clear title such as a lien, lease or easement
19> the unauthorized intrusion of a building or other improvement onto another person's land
20> spouses are treated as equal partners with each owning a one-half interest


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