
a. amendment k. master plan
b. buffer zone l. nonconforming use
c. building codes m. Phase I
d. CERCLA n. Restrictive covenants
e. certificate of occupancy o. Spot zoning
f. conditional use permit p. taking
g. downzoning q. TDRs
h. EIS or EIR r. variance
i. land-use-control s. windfall gains
j. mapping requirement t. zoning laws
1> a broad term used to describe any legal restriction (such as zoning) that controls how a parcel of land may be used
2> public regulations that control the specific use of land
3> an improvement that is inconsistent with current zoning regulations
4> a comprehensive guide for a community's physical growth
5> clauses placed in deeds and leases to control how future owners and lessees may or may not use the property
6> a government-issued document stating that a structure meets zoning and building code requirements and is ready for use
7> a report that contains information regarding the effects of a proposed project on the environment
8> method used to change a zoning ordinance
9> allows an individual landowner to vary from a zoning ordinance without changing the ordinance
10> the rezoning of a small area of land in an existing neighborhood
11> local and state laws that set minimum construction standards
12> a strip of land that separates one land use from another
13> rezoning of land from a higher-density use to lower-density use
14> state and local regulations pertaining to subdivisions that a subdivider must meet before selling lots
15> allows a land use that does not conform with existing zoning, provided the use is within the limitations imposed by the permit
16> a concept wherein the municipality regulates the property to where it has no value or, in some cases, has no remaining economic value
17> name commonly applied to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
18> minimal site assessment required to qualify for the innocent landowner defense
19> a new planning idea intended to eliminate windfalls and wipe-outs
20> inure to owners of land that has been authorized for development as a result of planning and zoning


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