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A clause in a federal law providing that the law "does not exempt any person from any liability under common law" is known as aA. preemption clause.
B. a savings clause.
C. an exemption clause.
D. a liability clause.
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Officer Smith uses a thermal imaging device to try to detect if unusual heat is coming fromJones's house. He does not have a warrant. This conduct isA. probably an illegal search because the officer needs a warrant in this case.B. probably not illegal because this is not a search.C. probably not illegal if Officer Smith in good faith believes he can do this.D. probably not illegal because any heat coming from the house is in plain view.
If police have a search warrant that appears to be valid, but for some reason is not, evidence found while executing the warrant might be admissible in court because ofA. the Good Faith Exception.B. the Impeachment Exception.C. an Independent Source or inevitable discovery.D. the Attenuation Exception.
In Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965), the Court invalidated a law that made it a crime to give information or advice about contraceptives to married persons.
The Constitution does not provide a specific right to privacy; privacy is included in the protections afforded to "liberty."
Denial of unemployment benefits by the state was allowedA. when an individual was terminated from work for refusing to work on the Sabbath.B. when an individual was terminated for religious use of peyote.C. when an individual quit a job rather than work in an armament section of a factory, which was against his religious beliefs.D. Denial of unemployment benefits was allowed in all of the above.
Which of the following is notone of the criteria required for a belief or creed to be considered a religion?A. There must be a belief in an orthodox God.B. The religion must incorporate a moral code that goes beyond individual belief.C. There must be some associational ties, some group of people brought together by common beliefs.D. The belief must be sincere.
The Supreme Court found that reimbursing the parents of Catholic school students for the cost of busing their children to schoolA. was an unconstitutional violation of the Free Exercise Clause.B. was an unconstitutional violation of the Establishment Clause.C. was constitutional because it was primarily public welfare legislation, not direct assistance to religion.D. was constitutional because it did not involve the federal government.
The Establishment Clause of the First AmendmentA. establishes Christianity as the religion of the United States.B. establishes belief in God as an important aspect of the Constitution.C. prohibits the government from establishing any religion.D. prohibits the government from interfering in the exercise of any religion.
Religion is defined as any belief in God.
The Supreme Court held that a clergy-led prayer at a high school graduation ceremony was unconstitutional.
According to the Supreme Court, a student's First Amendment rights were violatedA. when a school prohibited the wearing of armbands as a method of protest.B. when a school punished students for lewd comments.C. when a school censored a school newspaper.D. According to the Supreme Court, students have no First Amendment rights.
If defamation is directed to a private person but relates to a matter of public concern,A. the plaintiff in a lawsuit must show actual malice to receive any damages.B. the plaintiff in a lawsuit must show actual malice to receive punitive damages, but not general damages.C. the plaintiff in a lawsuit must adhere to the same standards as a public figure or public official.D. the plaintiff in a lawsuit is not limited in any way by the First Amendment.
Defamation has no First Amendment protection unlessA. the person defamed is a public figure.B. the person defamed is a public official.C. the subject matter is one of public concern.D. All of the above.
The English law of seditious libel made it a crimeA. to publish pornography.B. to criticize the government of England.C. to spread lies about anyone.D. to plan to overthrow the government.
In which of the following cases did the Supreme Court find that there was a taking for which the property owner was entitled to compensation?A. a new zoning law that totally prohibited a property owner from building a houseB. a 32-month building moratorium on lakefront propertyC. a city ordinance that placed restrictions on the development of individual historic landmarks, resulting in petitioner's inability to build offices and causing several million dollars in damagesD. Both a and c
The Takings Clause applies to both real and personal property.
This amendment applies to state governments and provides in part: "nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."A. Second AmendmentB. Fifth AmendmentC. Tenth AmendmentD. Fourteenth Amendment
A law violates due process if itA. involves a fundamental right and is arbitrary and irrational.B. involves a fundamental right, and there is no compelling state interest.C. only if it involves a nonfundamental right.D. only if it involves a fundamental right.
The Due Process Clause is found inA. Article V of the Constitution.B. the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution.C. the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution.D. Both b and c.
Substantive due process has played an important role in the Supreme Court's protection of economic and personal freedoms.
Procedural due process deals with the procedures that government uses whenever it actually deprives a person of life, liberty, or property.
A suspect class is a classification that includesA. those groups who have historically been the target of discrimination.B. those individuals accused of crimes.C. any class that claims it has been the victim of discrimination.D. All of the above.
Strict scrutiny requires a "legitimate" governmental interest for the law, as opposed to the "compelling" government interest required under the rational basis test.
The notion that no state can deprive a person of life, liberty, or property without due process is found inA. the Preamble to the Constitution.B. Article V of the Constitution.C. the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution.D. the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution.
The powers of states to enact laws is found inA. the First Amendment. B. the Fifth Amendment. C. the Tenth Amendment.D. the Fourteenth Amendment.
The dormant commerce clause is a total prohibition on the right of states to make laws that affect interstate commerce.
A federal law can impliedly preempt a state law.
A federal law can preempt not only a state legislative enactment but also a state common law right to sue.
Ultimately, the determination of the constitutionality of state laws is up to the U.S. Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court believes that national security alone justifies a president's suspension or termination of basic constitutional rights.