
A female client goes to the clinic's office complaining of a cough and fever. She gives her name and date of birth at the admitting registration desk. The registration clerk verifies her current address and asks if she is still covered by IVY insurance. Client responds yes, is given a chart with the number 3948JAV04830 on it, and is directed to the physician's exam room. The physician orders a chest x-ray. The client is sent to the radiology department and checks in with the registration desk. The registration clerk verifies her current address and asks if she is still covered by IVY insurance. The client responds yes and is given an order sheet with the number 3948JAV04830 on it. The admitting office for the clinic and the radiology office use different information systems. The process depicted in this scenario illustrates the use of which of the following?
1. Uniform language
2. Master patient index
3. Data dictionary
4. Clinical data repository


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