
A multiple regression analysis produced the following output from Minitab.
Regression Analysis: Y versus x1 and x2
Predictor Coef SE Coef T P
Constant -0.0626 0.2034-0.310.762
x1 1.1003 0.54412.020.058
x2 -0.8960 0.5548-1.610.124
S = 0.179449 R-Sq = 89.0% R-Sq(adj) = 87.8%
Analysis of Variance
Source DF SSMS F P
Regression 2 4.70132.3506730.000
Residual Error 18 0.57960.0322

Total 20 5.2809

The overall proportion of variation of y accounted by x1 and x2 is _______
a) 0.179
b) 0.89
c) 0.878
d) 0.203
e) 0.5441


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