
A supervisor is reviewing the documentation of the nurses in the unit. The documentation that most accurately and correctly contains all the required parts for a narrative entry is the entry that reads:
1. "1630 catheterized using an 8 French catheter, 45 ml clear yellow urine obtained, specimen sent to lab, squirmed and cried softly during insertion of catheter. Quiet in mother's arms following catheter removal. M. May RN"
2. "1/9/05 2 p.m. g-tube accessed, positive air gurgle over stomach: 5 ml air injected, 10 ml residual stomach contents returned to stomach, PediaSure formula hung on Kangaroo pump infusing at 60 ml/hr for 1 hour. Child grunting intermittently throughout procedure. K. Earnst RN"
3. "Feb. '05 Portacath assessed with Huber needle. Blood return present. Flushed with NaCl sol., IV gamma globulins hung and infusing at 30 ml/hr. Child smiling and playful throughout the procedure. P. Potter, RN"
4. "4:00 Trach dressing removed with dime-size stain of dry serous exudate. Site cleansed with normal saline. Dried with sterile gauze. New sterile trach sponge and trach ties applied. F. Luck RN"


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