
Adella is a campaign manager at a not-for-profit organization. She notices that one of her subordinates, Mary has not achieved any of her objectives for an ongoing campaign. After speaking to the other campaign managers, Adella discovers that Mary has not achieved her objectives for some other projects as well. After her discussion with the HR department, Adella decides that Mary should be terminated. In which of the following ways should Adella convey this news to Mary?

A. Adella should send Mary an e-mail telling her that she has been terminated.

B. Adella should send Mary a text message informing her that she must not resume work the next day.

C. Adella should present the reasons for Mary's termination ambiguously to avoid offending her.

D. Adella should deliver this news to Mary in person instead of through e-mail or phone.

E. Adella should present the news in such a way that it comes as a surprise to Mary.


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