
Alyssa designed a web page. In order to make it usable by people with vision impairments, she placed navigational links, a search box, and a link to a text-only version of the site in the upper left-hand corner. She also arranged the navigational links alphabetically and provided alternative text for all images and animations. She used a light background color for the site, three different fonts, and also used phrases like "Click here" for hyperlinks. When people with vision impairments used this website, there was a common problem faced by them. Which of the following is most likely the cause of the problem faced by these users?

A. Use of three different fonts

B. Use of phrases like "Click here" for hypertext links

C. Placement of the search box in the upper left-hard corner

D. Placement of navigational links in the upper left-hand corner

E. Placement of the text-only version in the upper left-hand corner


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