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An andocentric theory uses female-oriented constructs to draw conclusions about human nature.Answer
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The term "social interest" refers to:
a. an individual's attitude in dealing with the social world.
b. a sense of identification and empathy with others.
c. striving for a better future for all humans.
d. all of these.
Behavior therapy is associated with all but one of the following:
a. empirically supported treatments.
b. functional analysis of behavior.
c. a philosophical view of human behavior.
d. a comprehensive assessment process.
e. operant conditioning.
The purpose of examining a client's family constellation is:
a. to get a picture of the individual's early social world.
b. to bring unconscious factors to the surface.
c. to discover hereditary aspects of the client's behavior.
d. to determine who else in the family needs help.
Which of the statements below about social interest is true?
a. While Adler considered social interest to be innate, he also believed that it must be learned, developed, and used.
b. Adler believed most people to be incapable of developing social interest even though it was something to which they should aspire.
c. In his later years, Adler recanted his beliefs about social interest and focused on addressing unconscious dynamics as the key to mental health.
d. The concept of social interest was originally introduced by Freud, and Adler incorporated it into his theory.
Fritz Perls' wife Laura stated, "Without the constant support from his friends, and from me, without the constant encouragement and collaboration, Fritz would never have written a line, nor founded anything."
Which is (are) true concerning one's style of life?
a. All people have a lifestyle, but no two people develop exactly the same style.
b. The lifestyle is largely set by the age of 6.
c. One's style of life is a reaction to perceived inferiority.
d. One's style of life is learned from early interactions in the family.
e. All of these
Stan has completed his experience in counseling. Which of the following approaches would be most concerned with evaluating the outcomes of therapy?
a. existential therapy
b. behavior therapy
c. Gestalt therapy
d. rational emotive behavior therapy
e. the postmodern therapies
The relational model of psychoanalysis downplays the role of countertransference.
According to a rational emotive behavior therapist, what will not bring about actual changes in Stan's life?
a. doing the hard work of challenging and changing irrational beliefs
b. recognizing ways his faulty beliefs affect what he does and how he feels
c. understanding the A-B-C theory
d. acknowledging the "shoulds" and "oughts" he has accepted
e. waiting for Stan to get in touch with his shadow
Which of the following feminist principles recognizes the importance of working against oppression and discrimination on the basis of race, class, culture, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, age, and disability?
a. The person is political.
b. The counseling relationship is egalitarian.
c. Women's ways of knowing are valued and their experiences are honored.
d. A focus on strengths and a reformulated definition of psychological distress.
e. All types of oppression are recognized.
Reality therapy gives only limited attention to helping people address environmental and social problems.
The phallic stage typically occurs during the ages of 1 to 3.
Robert Wubbolding stresses the importance of an engaging therapeutic environment.
The major developmental task of the anal stage is acquiring a sense of trust.
A Gestalt therapist pays attention to ways the client uses language.
Glasser recommends that therapists look back for the causes of a client's present failures.
How would a psychoanalytic therapist view Stan's drinking problem?
a. as a means of working though his Oedipal complex
b. as a personal power issue associated with early trauma experienced in the anal stage
c. as an oral fixation
d. as a result of the ego-defense mechanism of introjection
e. as a manifestation of his collective unconscious
What is the current thinking in the field regarding the role of spirituality in counseling?
a. There is growing evidence that spiritual practice promotes psychological well-being.
b. Counselors are encouraged to be cautious and engage in peripheral discussions about spirituality only.
c. There is little interest in integrating spiritual issues in counseling.
d. Counselors should take a directive approach in helping clients meet their spiritual needs.
e. Spirituality and counseling should be kept separate.
The ego is the original structure of personality.
Which of the following is not typically a standard psychoanalytic technique?
a. free association
b. interpretation
c. exploration of one's position in the family
d. exploration of patterns of resistance
e. analysis of transference
Reality therapy tends to be a long-term approach.
Which of the following approaches to integration refers to a conceptual creation beyond a mere blending of techniques?
a. technical eclecticism
b. common factors approach
c. theoretical integration
d. assimilative integration
Reality therapists refuse to accept excuses.
Which of the following Gestalt techniques involves asking one person in a group to speak to each of the other group members?
a. the rehearsal exercise
b. the reversal technique
c. making the rounds
d. the exaggeration technique
Analytic therapy is oriented toward:
a. achieving insight.
b. identifying and experiencing feelings and memories.
c. developing an in-depth self-understanding.
d. reconstructing childhood experiences.
e. all of these
Which of the following is not true about the Gestalt view of the role of confrontation in therapy?
a. It is not possible to be both confrontational and gentle with clients.
b. It is important to confront clients with the ways they are avoiding being fully alive.
c. Confrontation does not have to be aimed at negative traits.
d. Confrontation should be a genuine expression of caring.
A person with a __________ personality disorder is characterized by instability, irritability, self-destructive acts, impulsive anger, and extreme mood shifts. This person is lacking a clear sense of identity, has poor impulse control, and an inability to tolerate anxiety.
a. narcissistic
b. dependent
c. borderline
d. obsessive-compulsive
A limitation of existential therapy is its:
a. emphasis on the therapist as an expert.
b. adherence to the medical model.
c. limited applicability to nonverbal clients.
d. use of simplistic concepts.
e. neglect of feelings.
A limitation of person-centered therapy is:
a. the possible danger of the therapist remaining passive and inactive.
b. the emphasis on complex ideas and concepts.
c. the lack of research to support the theory.
d. neglect of the value of the therapeutic relationship.
e. the overemphasis on unconscious factors.
Which of the following is not true about Gestalt techniques?
a. "Exercises" are ready-made techniques.
b. "Experiments" grow out of the interaction between therapist and client.
c. Clients need to be prepared for their involvement in Gestalt techniques.
d. Experiments are always carried out during the therapy session, rather than outside it.
e. Techniques are used for the purpose of increasing the client's awareness.