
An appraisal is being made of a good quality, 25-year old, three bedroom home. The appraiser locates three comparables that have similar square footage, numbers of rooms, and construction quality. After viewing and rating the comparables, a summary is made as follows:
DataComparable #1Comparable #2Comparable #3
Price paid$295,000$300,000$350,000

LocationInferior EqualSuperior

Lot sizeLarger than Smaller thanEqual to

subject subjectsubject

Amenities &Equal to Superior toSuperior to
Conditionsubject subjectsubject
Dollar Adjustments Indicated by Market Study
Location difference=$40,000
Lot size difference=$20,000
Amenities and condition difference=$15,000
Relying upon the comparables and the adjustments indicated, which of the following would be the best value conclusion for the subject property?
a. $300,000
b. $260,000
c. $275,000
d. $400,000


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