
An initial analysis of a laboratory activity resulted in the first table below. After this analysis, the managers determined that their element descriptions were not as accurate as they should have beenthey had left out an element, underestimated a distance, and understated the need for accuracy. They revised the table of element data, which appears in the second table.

Original Activity: Pouring tube specimen
Element description Element code TMU
Get tube from rack AA2 35
Get stopper, place on counter AA2 35
Get centrifuge, place at sample tube AD2 45
Pour (3 sec.) PT 83
Place tubes in rack (simo) PC2 40

Revised Activity: Pouring tube specimen
Element description Element code TMU
Get tube from rack AC3 70
Get stopper, place on counter AA2 35
Get centrifuge, place at sample tube AD2 45
Pour (3 sec.) PT 83
Get stopper, place on tube AC1 40
Place tubes in rack (simo) PC2 40

Calculate the total standard minutes for the original activity "pouring tube specimen." Calculate the total standard minutes for the revised activity "pouring tube specimen." What is the increase, in seconds, from the first version to the second?


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