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An instructor in Introductory Psychology wanted to know if the textbook she was using was as effective as other textbooks on the market. In order to test this, she decided that she would teach the course in the fall with the text she typically uses, and in the spring she would use a new text. After doing this, she compared the students' final grades and students' responses to an 'end of semester' evaluation question. The question was "How effective was the text for this course?" She discovered that students' grades increased from a mean of 78 in the fall to 83 in the spring. She also discovered that the students' opinion of the course's text increased from a mean of 4.5 (on a 7-point scale, the higher the better) in the fall to 4.9 in the spring. After running the appropriate statistical test(s), she discovered that both of these differences were statistically significant.If we wanted to compute a standardized mean difference (

a) the average of the standard deviation of satisfaction scores in the fall and spring.
b) a pooled standard deviation.
c) the standard deviation of the scores collected from those students who used the new book.
d) both a and b
This answer is hidden. It contains 1 characters.
Related questions
58 What happens to the standard deviation when a constant is added to each score? Use the following set of data, and a constant of 2 to illustrate your answer.
1 2 3 4
57 Create two sets of scores with equal ranges, but different variances.
55 Based on the same data, calculate:
a) The median location
b) The median
c) The hinge location
d) The upper hinge
e) The lower hinge
f) H spread
g) Lower fence
h) Upper fence
i) Lower adjacent value
j) Upper adjacent value
53 Answer the following questions based on this set of numbers:1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5a) What is the range?b) What is the variance?c) What is the standard deviation?
52 There no outliers.
27+ Which of the following is NOT a method of describing data that reduces the role of outliers on the measurement of a data set's variability?
a) interquartile range
b) boxplot
c) range
d) trimmed statistics
18+ People in the stock market refer to a measure called the "standard deviation," although it is calculated somewhat differently from the one discussed here. It is a good guess that this measure refers toa) the riskiness of the stock.b) the value of the stock.c) how much the stock price is likely to fluctuate.d) how much money you are likely to earn from buying that stock.
15+ Data points at the extremes of the distribution have
a) little effect on the variance.
b) more effect on the variance than scores at the center of the distribution.
c) are undoubtedly incorrect.
d) distort the usefulness of the median.
12 The vertical line in the center of a box plot
a) represents the sample mean.
b) represents the sample median.
c) serves to anchor the box.
d) can represent anything you want it to.
10 What do we mean by an unbiased statistic?
a) a statistic that equals the sample mean
b) a statistic whose average is very stable from sample to sample
c) a statistic used to measure racial diversity
d) a statistic whose long range average is equal to the parameter it estimates
8+ When calculating the standard deviation we divide by N-1 rather than N because the result is
a) smaller.
b) less biased.
c) easier to interpret.
d) equal to the population mean.
44 Algebraically, the mean = (ï“X)2/N.
35 Which of the following is probably most useful in studies in which extreme scores sometimes occur but have no real practical significance?
a) mean
b) median
c) average
d) none of the above
32+ If a store manager wanted to stock the men's clothing department with shirts fitting the most men, which measure of central tendency of men's shirt sizes should be employed?
a) mode
b) mean
c) median
d) average
28 For the following data set [1, 9, 9, 9, 11, 28], which of the following is false?
a) The mode is 9.
b) The median is 9.
c) The mean is 9.
d) The median location is 3.5.
21 Suppose a sample of children reported how many voices they heard in their heads on a particular day, and that hearing voices was a relatively uncommon experience. In this case the mode
a) will show that the most common number of voices heard is zero.
b) will tell us nothing about the children who do hear voices.
c) both a and b
d) none of the above
18 is the symbol commonly used for the
a) mean.
b) mode.
c) median.
d) none of the above
13 The chief advantage of the median is that
a) it represents a score actually occurring in the data set.
b) it is best used with nominal scales.
c) *it is not disproportionately affected by extreme scores.
d) it is the most commonly occurring score.
11+ Given the numbers 6 7 9 11 15 71 86, how many numbers fall below the median?
a) 3
b) 11
c) 6 to 86
d) 6, 7, 9, and 11
7+ Which of the following is useful with data collected with nominal scales?
a) median
b) mode
c) mean
d) none of the above
10 When we plot a histogram, the values on the X axis are
a) the real lower limits and real upper limits
b) the midpoints
c) the integers closest to the boundaries.
d) any of the above, depending on what makes the most sense at the time
56 Answer the following questions based on the graph below. a) Is the graph symmetrical?
b) Is the graph unimodal or bimodal?
c) Do the data appear skewed? If so, positively or negatively?
d) Do there appear to be outliers? If so, for what values?
Create a histogram for these data using an interval of 5 (e.g., 0 to 5, 6 to 10).
The previous graph is symmetrical.
38 Given the following numbers, 10, 25, 37, and 40, the leading digits are 1, 2, 3, and 4.
36 Boxplots are graphical displays that
a) emphasize the basic characteristics of the data.
b) focus on the median and spread of the data.
c) allow us to visually see how two or more distributions compare.
d) all of the above
53 A drink manufacturer wanted to examine the effect of different can designs on sales.
a) Name the independent variable.
b) Name the dependent variable.
c) Is the dependent variable discrete or continuous?
47 If X1 = 1, X2 = 3, and X3 = 5 and C = 3, then CX = 12.
44 A researcher randomly assigned clients to two conditions (a wait-list control group and a hypnosis group) and measured their smoking reduction. Smoking reduction is an independent variable.
43 A "variable" refers to data that is constant.