
An off-duty EMT is driving down the road when she sees a major vehicle accident. There are no Emergency Medical Responders on the scene yet. There are only Good Samaritans. The EMT is late for a doctor's appointment so she decides that she will not stop and help. The driver of the vehicle dies before help arrives. One of the Good Samaritans notices her EMT license plates and writes them down as she passes by. The Good Samaritan is angry that the EMT did not stop and help and tries to get the EMT fired for not helping. Which of the following statements is true?
A) The EMT is negligent for not stopping and helping.
B) The EMT is negligent because the patient died.
C) The EMT is not negligent because she had a doctor's appointment.
D) The EMT is not negligent because she did not have a duty to act.


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