
Analysis of data for an autoregressive forecasting model produced the following tables.

Coefficients Standard Error t Statistic p-value
Intercept 3.85094 3.745787 0.84426 0.34299
yt-1 0.70434 0.082849 -1.66023 0.13822
yt-2 -0.62669 0.035709 14.65044 6.69E-19

df SS MS F p-value
Regression 2 135753.5 67876.76 107.3336 1.91E-17
Residual 43 27192.79 632.3904

Total 45 162946.3

The forecasting model is __________.
a) yt= 3.745787 + 0.082849yt-1+ 0.035709yt-2
b) yt= 3.85094 + 0.70434yt-1- 0.62669yt-2
c) yt= 0.84426 - 1.66023yt-1+ 14.65023yt-2
d) yt= 0.34299 + 0.13822yt-1+ 9.69yt-2
e) yt= 0.34299 + 0.13822yt-1- 6.69yt-2


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