
Archaeological research has conclusively proven which of the following about the earliest occupation of the New World?
a. Clovis was the first and only migration into North America, from which all native peoples of the New World descended.
b. The earliest occupants of the New World traveled from Asia, across the Bering land bridge, through the ice-free corridor between the continental ice sheets sometime during the height of the last glacial between 25,000 and 10,000 years ago.
c. The earliest occupants of the New World traveled along the western coast of North America, bypassing the interior and making it all the way to Tierra del Fuego; Clovis was a later migration from Asia adapted to terrestrial hunting and was the first to occupy the interior of North America.
d. None of the above; the timing and nature of the initial colonization of the New World is still very much up in the air.


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