
___ 1. burned-over districts

___ 2. gag rule

___ 3. common schools

___ 4. temperance

___ 5. the Liberty Party

___ 6. Brook Farm

___ 7. Declaration of Sentiments

___ 8. bloomer costume

___ 9. American Colonization Society

___ 10. Washingtonian Society

___ 11. utopian

___ 12. Freedoms Journal

a. made abolition a political movement

b. group of reformed drinkers

c. Seneca Falls Convention

d. New England transcendentalists

e. advocated blacks returning to Africa

f. tax-supported public schools

g. a vision for a perfect society

h. area of intensive revivals in New York and Ohio

i. preventing antislavery petitions to be heard in Congress

j. feminist style of dress

k. first U.S. black newspaper

l. movement against alcohol


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