
CASE STUDY: Mrs. Steele has just been told by the family pediatrician that her daughter Shelby has been identified as having ADHD. Shelby is a rising seventh grader and attends New Beginnings middle school. Mrs. Steele knew Shelby had an endless amount of energy, but she was stunned to learn it was considered a "disability." Mrs. Steele has no idea how to help her daughter control her impulsivity and excessive energy. You are an expert on the topic of ADHD and teach as an instructor at the local community college. Mrs. Steele has contacted you for information regarding ADHD. Please answer each of her questions thoroughly in order to help her obtain a better understanding how to best meet her child's needs.
What implications does the label of ADHD have on Shelby's education?
What is the long-term prognosis for Shelby? How will ADHD affect her as an adult?


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