
Choose the appropriate letter to match the term and the definition. Not all definitions will be used.


1. _____ Full Disclosure Principle

2. _____ Ratio Analysis

3. _____ Liquidity

4. _____ Going-Concern Assumption

5. _____ Profitability

6. _____ Solvency

7. _____ Trend Analysis

8. _____ Vertical Analysis


A) The ability of a company to meet its short-run financial obligations.

B) A type of analysis that focuses on relationships within a single financial statement.

C) Also known as time-series analysis.

D) The standard that companies should present all relevant information needed to interpret a companys financial position and performance.

E) The standard that expenses should be recognized when incurred.

F) A measure of current earnings performance.

G) A result from comparing a company's results to other companies in the industry.

H) A measure of long-run survivability.

I) The standard that revenue should be recorded when earned, provided payment is reasonably expected.

J) Measures that relate financial variables reported in one or more of the financial statements from the same year.

K) The characteristic that financial information needs to be valuable to decision makers.

L) The standard that takes for granted a companys near term financial survival.


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