
Choose the appropriate letter to match the term and the definition. Not all definitions will be used.


1. _____ Time-Series Analysis

2. _____ Common-Size Financial Statements

3. _____ Management Discussion and Analysis

4. _____ Price/Earnings Ratio

5. _____ Earnings Per Share

6. _____ Comprehensive Income

7. _____ Discontinued Operations

8. _____ Net Income


A) The practice of reporting accounting data in the national monetary unit.

B) A nonrecurring item associated with abandoning or selling an operation.

C) The earnings of a company after taxes.

D) An increase in an asset or a decrease in a liability that results from peripheral activities.

E) After-tax earnings adjusted for gains and losses that may disappear before they are realized.

F) A section of the annual report that can be used in interpreting the results of financial statement analysis.

G) The ratio calculated by dividing the net income by the number of common shares outstanding.

H) The ratio calculated by dividing the price of a share of stock by the earnings per share.

I) Also known as ratio analysis.

J) A nonrecurring item on the income statement that reflects gains and losses associated with extraordinary events.

K) Another name for a trend analysis.

L) The practice of reporting information in percentages rather than monetary amounts.


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