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Code switching occurs whenA. Bilingual students switch back and forth from English to their native language when talking to parents.
B. The student is taught that Standard English is the only acceptable way to communicate.
C. Students use Standard English when it's appropriate and dialect with family and community.
D. None of the above
This answer is hidden. It contains 1 characters.
Related questions
What is the difference between an ophthalmologist and an optometrist?
Values and behavior patterns are two critical elements of culture. Explain these concepts and provide and example of each.
Visually impaired students usually need direct instruction on the development of social skills.
Kala is a sixth grader who was identified as having an intellectual disability. In addition to her low cognitive ability, she cannot perform daily skills necessary for independence such as brushing her teeth or taking a bath. These types of skills are referred to as
A. Independent behavior.
B. Learned behavior.
C. Adaptive behavior.
D. All of the above
Visual impairment is termed a low-incidence disability because it is not as reported and documented as other disabilities.
In the survey conducted by Leyser and Heinze (2001) of parents of children with visual impairments, what were the findings in regard to inclusive practices?
A. Most parents preferred their child to be in a resource setting.
B. Most parents preferred their child to be home-schooled.
C. Most parents were generally supportive of inclusive practices.
D. Most parents preferred their child to be in a specialized school.
CASE STUDY: Tia is a 15-year-old African American student who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Her other siblings as well as her mother have been identified with emotional and behavior disorders. She has attended multiple public schools but has either been asked to leave or has been removed from the school by her mother. Tia has a long history of verbal outbursts with school professionals and severe periods of depression and withdrawal. Tia"s mother and sister report she has frequent verbal outbursts at home and has become violent on a few occasions. Due to the years of negative experiences with school professionals, Tia is no longer in school. She feels very rejected as a human being by teachers and peers because of her disorder. As a result, her self-esteem, self-efficacy, and her motivation are practically nonexistent. Tia states that she does want an education but will not participate in a traditional school setting any longer. Although she does not have a history of violent behavior in school, she does use offensive language when upset or when she feels threatened by a teacher. She has an indifferent attitude toward life in general.
What steps could be taken to build Tia's motivation?
Two of the most important issues facing the field of visual impairment are
A. Assistive technology funding and personnel shortages.
B. Funding and personnel shortages.
C. Personnel shortages and limited continuum of placement options.
D. Limited placement options and assistive technology funding.
What is positive behavior support and how does it relate to the concept of prevention among young children?
Leila is a second-grade student who has a severe visual impairment. In addition to her visual impairment, she has other physical disabilities. Which setting would be most appropriate for Leila?
A. Resource
B. General education
C. Residential
D. Self-contained
An alternative to the current system for young children is
A. Portfolio and performance assessments.
B. Standardized tests and medication.
C. Universal screening and early intervention.
D. Parent education as participation.
Showing favoritism toward a particular group that occurs at multiple levels within a society or institution is called
A. Cognitive style.
B. Teacher attitude.
C. Systemic bias.
D. Knowledge construction.
Depending on the state, what are two criteria used to determine a student's eligibility for special education services under the category of visually impaired?
A. Functional and clinical
B. Intellectual and clinical
C. Functional and intellectual
D. Intellectual and mobility
Students with low vision are typically assessed by which of the following?
A. Learning media assessment.
B. Functional vision assessment.
C. Optical assessment.
D. Visual acuity assessment.
A physician specializing in the eye is a/an
A. Ophthalmologist.
B. Optometrist.
C. VI specialist.
D. Pediatrician.
Poverty and systemic bias are factors that contribute to
A. Multicultural education.
B. Equity pedagogy.
C. Disproportionate representation.
D. Dominant culture.
Braille readers need additional tools for gathering information because
A. Their reading rate is generally slower than students with typical vision.
B. Their reading rate is generally faster than students with typical vision.
C. Some words cannot be translated into Braille.
D. None of the above.
Studies have shown that vision loss affects all developmental skills EXCEPT for
A. Language.
B. Reading.
C. Writing.
D. Math.
PDA stands for
A. Personal digital assistant.
B. Professional digital assistant.
C. Personal daily actions.
D. Personal daily agenda.
The inclination to take a particular approach or orientation to thinking and learning is
A. Cognitive knowledge.
B. Co-teaching.
C. Metacognition.
D. Cognitive style.
A disease that can occur in premature babies that causes severe visual impairments or blindness is called
A. Retinal detachment of prematurity.
B. Retinal degeneration of prematurity.
C. Retinopathy of prematurity.
D. None of the above.
Where are the largest percentages of students of color in the United States?
A. Northeast
B. Midwest
C. West
D. Great Lakes
What are the three placements for students with hearing loss within the general education classroom? Based on the information from the text and your professional experience, which of these placements would be ideal for student success?
What would professionals say is the most important issue within the field of individuals with emotional and behavior disorders?
A. Families obtaining mental health services
B. The stress of coping with mental illness
C. The relationships between families and professionals
D. Appropriately punishing students for misbehavior
Of the 14 million youth diagnosed with mental illness, how many actually receive services?
A. At least 35 percent
B. At least 60 percent
C. Less than 20 percent
D. Less than 48 percent
Describe the impact of hearing loss on language, academic skills, and social interactions. Which of these areas do you feel has the greatest affect on a student "s success in school? Why?
What is universal newborn hearing screening?
How has the No Child Left Behind Act changed the route to licensure for educators? Do you think the quality of teachers trained via these alternative routes to licensure will differ from teachers who participate in a more traditional teacher-training program? Explain your answer.
What is the estimated dropout rate of students with emotional and behavior disorders?
A. 2 to 5 percent
B. 10 to 15 percent
C. 21 to 64 percent
D. 69 to 73 percent
Measuring a student's social and emotional strengths, the characteristic that gives them confidence, and the traits that help them cope with adversity refers to
A. Strength-based assessment.
B. Classroom assessment.
C. Functional behavior assessment.
D. Individual ability assessment.