
"Color-Blind Privilege: The Social and Political Functions of Erasing the Color Line in Post Race America,"
Gallagher argues that a new form of racist thinking, an ideology called color-blind racism, has become dominant among whites in America. Media and popular culture have created an illusion of equality by reducing race to cultural symbols that are marketed to everyone. Symbols of racial equality are embodied in the images of successful personalities in politics and sports, as well as in commodities as diverse as music, clothing, condiments, and cars. This focus on race as merely symbolic allows a majority of whites to believe that racial harmony prevails, institutional racism has been eliminated, and race no longer shapes life chances. This myth buttresses the deeply held belief that America is a meritocracy and that therefore any advantages that whites have now relative to racial minorities are earned advantages, achieved through individual effort. White privilege is thus rendered invisible, and support for programs that address problems caused by institutional racism is undermined.
A social system that awards socio-economic success solely based on the effort of individuals is called a(n):
a. class hierarchy
b. meritocracy
c. racial hierarchy
d. ideology


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