
Community Fair. Craig and Melinda are searching for a one-time business opportunity that will enable them to make a sufficient amount of cash to take a really great vacation to Galapagos. They live in a rather small rural community that has not, to date, had a community fair. Craig and Melinda decide to sponsor a fair on a weekend in October and to arrange for exhibits and awards, beauty contests, pie eating contests, food vendors, and amusement rides. The profit to Craig and Melinda will come from ticket sales and from charges to food vendors for the privilege of setting up shop. Apart from some minor skirmishes between Craig and Melinda regarding management rights, preparations go fairly well. When the weekend of the fair arrives, things initially go fairly smoothly. Unfortunately, however, one of the beauty contestants slips on the runway. An argument broke out during the pie eating contests resulting in angry contestants throwing pies and injuring spectators. Finally, an elderly lady, who was angry because she did not win the prize for the best honey, jabbed the volunteer judge with her cane. All injured parties threaten to sue Craig and Melinda. Craig tells Melinda that she should bear the larger percentage of any damages because the idea for the fair was initially hers, and she obtained all necessary permits. Melinda, on the other hand, tells Craig that he should be wholly responsible for any damages because he was put in charge of all competitions. They can reach no agreement regarding winding up the project and splitting the meager profits, and angrily go their separate ways with no resolution. As she is leaving, Melinda shouts to Craig that as her agent he should have done a better job with security. Which of the following is true regarding any agency relationships between Craig and Melinda?

A. They were both agents of each other.

B. Neither was the agent of the other.

C. They were agents of each other for contracts only.

D. They were agents of each other for finances only.

E. They were agents of each other for insurance purposes only.


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