
Conservative Supreme Court justice Anthony Kennedy, writing for the majority in the Lawrence v. Texas and Obergefell v. Hodges rulings,

a. described the Constitution as a document bound by the original intent of the nations founding fathers.

b. suggested constitutional interpretation must normally rest on a narrow reading of the text.

c. reaffirmed the liberal view of the Constitution as a living document whose protections expand as society changes.

d. offered no explanation for the Courts upholding of state laws banning same-sex marriages.

e. upheld the conservative view of reading the original intent of the founders and amendment authors.

ANS: C TOP: The Winds of Change DIF: Difficult

REF: Full p. 1106 | Seagull p. 1126 MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Explain what events eroded support for President Bushs policies during his second term.


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