
Consider the following standard reduction potentials,
Al3+(aq) + 3 e- -> Al(s) E = -1.66 V
I2(s) + 2 e- -> 2 I-(aq) E = +0.54 V
Under standard conditions,
A) Al3+(aq) is a stronger oxidizing agent than I2(s), and I-(aq) is a stronger reducing agent than Al(s).
B) I2(s) is a stronger oxidizing agent than Al3+(aq), and Al(s) is a stronger reducing agent than I-(aq).
C) Al(s) is a stronger oxidizing agent than I-(aq), and Al3+(aq) is a stronger reducing agent than I2(s).
D) I-(aq) is a stronger oxidizing agent than Al(s), and I2(s) is a stronger reducing agent than Al3+(aq).


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