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Describe some strategies that would support the development of perceptual motor skills. Give examples.Answer
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Related questions
Which of the following portfolios is passed from teacher to teacher at the end of the year?
a. Individual portfolio
b. Institutional portfolio
c. Teacher portfolio
d. Showcase portfolio
e. Class portfolio
The 3-year olds in Mrs. Mezga's class at Missouri Central School are asked to create an Eskimo village out of cardboard boxes and other art materials. Based on what you have read about construction, select the answer that best describes the appropriateness of this activity.a. It is appropriate because the children are getting to make something out of open-ended materials.b. It is inappropriate because the children have no conceptual base from which to develop their construction.c. It is appropriate because the children are getting a chance to work together on a tangible product.d. It is inappropriate because the activity is not relevant to the children's lives.e. a and cf. b and d
Nicholas first examined the magnets and then arranged them carefully, talking to himself. What kind of play is this likely to be? Mark all that apply.
1) Pretend with art materials
2) Make believe
3) Pretend with objects
4) Pretend with miniatures
a. 1 only
b. 2 and 3
c. 3 and 4
d. 1 and 2
The assessment of children's conceptual understanding, skills, and interests should be the basis for a teacher's instruction.
Young children are particularly good subjects for observation, because they haven"t yet learned how to mask their feelings.
A specific object or event may be successfully represented by many different kinds of materials.
Occupational role assumption appears at about two and a half in the early childhood period and becomes more elaborate over time.
Based on your understanding of the definition of play, the game of ping-pong could represent "˜play" for some people, but not for others.
List three reasons why a group of young children may exclude a particular child.
Mr. Lynn taught his first graders an English-American and an African-American version of the same singing game. Which social studies curricular area would this best represent?
a. Sociology
b. Human Ecology
c. Anthropology
d. Geography
Which of the following activities represents the political science portion of the Social Studies curriculum?
a. Children make a family tree of their parents and grandparents.
b. Children vote on a name for a class gerbil.
c. Children study the interaction between home and workplace environments.
d. All of the above
Authoritarian adults are low on which of the following dimensions:
1) Communication
2) Maturity demands
3) Control
4) Nurturance
a. 3 only
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 4
d. None of the above
Which of the following reasons is least likely to be one which children in the early childhood years use in determining that an action is bad?
a. The action harms a person (e.g., hitting).
b. The action disrupts the social order (e.g. not putting toys away).
c. The action violates people's rights (e.g., name calling).
d. The action damages property (e.g., breaking something).
Although most schools have written discipline policies, childcare settings do not require such formal documents.
Children should receive at least four warnings before the adult follows-through on the stated consequences.
Children who are subjected to an authoritarian program atmosphere often become hostile or withdrawn.
The teacher who offers children more time at recess if everyone completes their work on time is hoping children will respond at the identification level of compliance.
The ability to understand and relate to another person's feeling is called egocentrism.
Conflict mediation can be used with some children as young as 3 and is effective through elementary school.
Egocentrism refers to an inability to understand a situation from another person's perspective.
In the conflict mediation process, the teacher's role ends after children arrive at a solution.
Which writing implement would be the best choice for a young or inexperienced child?
a. Felt point marker or pen
b. Crayon covered with paper
c. Crayon uncovered with paper
d. A colored #3 pencil
What is the role of the teacher in developing a new center?
a. Planning objectives and materials.
b. Inviting children to contribute some materials.
c. Introducing the center with demonstrations as appropriate.
d. All of these
Which of the following outcomes is not a benefit of physical activity?
a. Promotes changes in the structure of the brain.
b. Drains off excess energy of the children.
c. Leads to proficiency in the neuromuscular skills.
d. Assists in the development and refinement of perceptual abilities involving vision, balance and tactile sensations.
At what age can you expect 90% of the children to use a three-point grip on a writing utensil comfortably?
a. About 3
b. About 4
c. About 5
d. About 6
e. About 7
How do you structure a self-sustaining activity?
a. Just place new materials and equipment in a space large enough for it.
b. Introduce the activity to a small group who can then show other children how to do it.
c. Set limits so that children behave properly when using materials new to them.
d. Go ahead with the activity that had been planned as a guided learning activity and help the children out if they have difficulty.
All children between three and eight readily and accurately understand spoken directions in a classroom in which they are engaged in center activities with normal conversation going on.
Children from three to five year olds have considerable difficulty in judging the speed of a moving object.
How should the level of sound be reduced in the classroom where children engage appropriately in center learning?
a. Set rules so children must remain quiet.
b. Add carpet, cushions, corkboard or other soft materials.
c. Limit movement of the children to a few at a time.
d. Use more whole group instruction.
Mrs. Schmidt noticed that Jacob had cut his leg on some outdoor play equipment that had a rough edge. What is her responsibility in this matter?
a. She should send him to the office.
b. She should put on gloves and apply first aid.
c. She should use gloves, apply first aid, and comfort the child.
d. She should use gloves, apply first aid, comfort the child, and report the need for equipment repair.