
Diagram 9-1
The molecular orbital diagram below may be used for the following problem(s). For oxygen and fluorine, the s2p orbital should be lower in energy than the p2p. However, the diagram will still yield correct bond order and magnetic behavior for these molecules.
Energy ________ s*2p

________ ________ p*2p
________ s2p
________ ________ p2p
________ s*2s
________ s2s
________ s*1s
________ s1s
Refer to Diagram 9-1. Consider the molecules B2, C2, N2 and F2. Which two molecules have the same bond order?
A.B2 and C2
B.B2 and F2
C.C2 and N2
D.C2 and F2
E.N2 and F2


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