
During the 1960s, Americans found new meanings of freedom and produced new rights. Which of the following problems was not addressed?

a. racial inequality

b. womens rights

c. low voter turnout

d. urban poverty

e. agricultural stagnation

ANS: D TOP: 1968 DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 1021 | Seagull p. 1001 MSC: Understanding

OBJ: 7. Examine the ways in which 1968 was a climactic year for the 1960s.


Test 1

___ 1. James Meredith

___ 2. Michael Harrington

___ 3. Fidel Castro

___ 4. Betty Friedan

___ 5. Malcolm X

___ 6. Martin Luther King Jr.

___ 7. Carl Ogelsby

___ 8. Cesar Chavez

___ 9. Lyndon Johnson

___ 10. Stokely Carmichael

___ 11. Mario Savio

___ 12. Ralph Nader

___ 13. Loving v. Virginia

a. Great Society

b. Unsafe at Any Speed

c. Letter from Birmingham Jail

d. National Farm Workers Association

e. Free Speech movement

f. supporter of Black Power movement

g. Bay of Pigs

h. The Other America

i. founder of NOW

j. Nation of Islam

k. SDS leader

l. University of Mississippi

m. interracial marriage


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