

Chapter 1


T F 1. According to Chapter 1, the authors state people are born with conflict management skills they are mostly common sense.

T F 2. Once a person becomes truly skilled at managing conflict, s/he will not have to deal with it conflict IS avoidable.

T F 3. A spiral that moves only one direction up ward and onward is an example of an escalatory spiral.

T F 4. An example of a scarce resource is self-esteem.

T F 5. The text says anger is the predominant emotion in all conflicts.

T F 6. According to the text, disagreements are the same as conflicts.

T F 7. According to the text, an interpersonal conflict requires that the struggle is expressed.

T F 8. Unresolved conflict can have an impact on a persons mental health.

T F 9. According to the text, no complaints can be constructive, only destructive.

T F 10. Increasing accurate self-awareness will help you better manage conflict.


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