

Chapter 9


T F 1. According to the text, informal mediation isn't really effective; conflicting parties should always hire a trained professional.

T F 2. Mediation, by definition, allows the participants to manage their own conflicts, and ultimately, their outcomes.

T F 3. A Guardian ad litem serves as a child advocate in the adjudication system.

T F 4. When conflicting parties arbitrate, they consider the advice of the arbitrator, but they can still choose what they want to do.

T F 5. Adjudication is the most competitive method of 3rd-party intervention.

T F 6. According to the text, taking a side in mediation is okay, as long as the third party is still working to help both people.

T F 7. One risk of informal intervention is becoming the enemy.

T F 8. Being a coach requires the same skills as being a good friend to a person in conflict.

T F 9. When power between two parties is highly imbalanced, adjudication is likely to be the best form of third-party intervention.

T F 10. Mediators control the process of communication, not the outcomes of the mediation.


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