

Chapter 4


T F 1. According to your text, sometimes it is more appropriate to settle disputes on

the basis of rights, rather than power or interests.

T F 2. In terms of gender, both/and power is often the first choice of women in U.S. culture.

T F 3. According to the text, if you aren't the boss at work, you don't really have any power.

T F 4. Hocker and Wilmot contend that power is not owned by an individual, but is a product of a social relationship.

T F 5. In intimate relationships, generally, the person who is least invested in the relationship has the most power.

T F 6. According to the text, some power moves are productive, not destructive.

T F 7. If you are in a low power situation or relationship, the authors of your text suggest you accept it because there isn't a lot you can do about it.

T F 8. Not using all the power you have access to can be an effective conflict management tool.

T F 9. I dont remember saying that is an example of denial of power.

T F 10. The Power Paradox means that the more you struggle against someone, and the more you fight with her/him, the more power you have.


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