

Chapter 3


T F 1. The goals one has for the outcome of a conflict prior to actively engaging in it are called prospective goals.

T F 2. To be truly collaborative, conflict goals must be behaviorally specific.

T F 3. Good conflict goals remain stead fast they should not change before, during or after a conflict.

T F 4. According to the TRIP model, the use and balance of power are most connected to the relational element.

T F 5. According to the TRIP model, the mode of communication (texting v. talking face-to-face) is part of the identity element.

T F 6. When roommates argue about whose turn it is to do the dishes, they are likely to be arguing about the process.

T F 7. The two primary drivers of most conflicts are relationship and power.

T F 8. If you feel excluded from making an important decision, the element of TRIP you are most likely concerned with it Process.

T F 9. Arguing over what music to listen to in the car is primarily concerned with the Topic.

T F 10. Arguing with your parents about what time you are supposed to be home is an example of the Relationship element of TRIP.


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