

Chapter 10


T F 1. Your book says that memories are essential to the forgiveness process, since they may help you become less susceptible to repeated injury.

T F 2. According to the text, sometimes forgiveness is best approached as a decision, in order to give the person(s) something to do.

T F 3. Repairing a relationship so re-engagement, cooperation and trust become possible is what your book calls reconciliation.

T F 4. The text suggest that children whove been abused should try to forget about the events and memories so they can move on more easily.

T F 5. A common misconception about forgiveness is that it excuses the behavior or situation.

T F 6. One effective way to offer forgiveness to another is to ask the person to meet a condition that is important to you.

T F 7. An effective apology includes making amends for the wrongdoing.

T F 8. Unlike giving forgiveness, receiving forgiveness is a simple task.

T F 9. Part of the process of forgiving someone is to face the anger you feel.

T F 10. In the phase of transcendence, a person is able to stop obsessing over images and messages from the past.


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