
Explain the concept of androgyny, and give an example of a person who is androgynous.

Androgyny refers to the presence of positive masculine and feminine characteristics in the same person. Example: a boy who is both assertive (masculine) and nurturant (feminine). The androgynous boy might be assertive (masculine) and nurturant (feminine). The androgynous girl might be powerful (masculine) and sensitive to others feelings. Gender experts such as Sandra Bem argue that androgynous individuals are more flexible, competent, and mentally healthy than their masculine or feminine counterparts. To some degree, though, which gender-role classification is best depends on the context involved. One study found that girls and individuals high in femininity showed a stronger interest in caring than did boys and individuals high in masculinity. However, masculine and androgynous orientations might be more desirable in traditional academic and work settings because of the achievement demands in these contexts.


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