
Figure 4.1
Use Figure 4.1 to answer the following questions.
A flock of 100 small, bright yellow and brown finches is blown off course and ends up on a large island where there is a lot of open, grassy ground, and low hills. There are mammals, many plants, some insects, lizards, and a few hawks, but there are no other small birds. There are two types of plants with edible seeds, a very small-seeded grass, and a large-seeded bush.
Refer to Figure 4.1. Over many years, the population of finches on the island ________.
A) begins to look like graph (a), directional selection, with regard to beak size
B) begins to look like graph (b), stabilizing selection, with regard to beak size
C) begins to look like graph (c), disruptive selection, with regard to beak size
D) goes extinct because there is nothing that the finches can manage to eat
E) doesn't change; the finches maintain their original diversity


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