
___ 1. Gabriel

___ 2. Tecumseh

___ 3. John Marshall

___ 4. John Fries

___ 5. Matthew Lyon

___ 6. Mary Wollstonecraft

___ 7. Benjamin Franklin

___ 8. Toussaint LOuverture

___ 9. Henry Clay

___ 10. Aaron Burr

___ 11. Judith Sargent Murray

a. was accused under the Sedition Act

b. served as chief justice of the Supreme Court

c. was a Haitian slave revolutionary

d. organized a slave rebellion in America

e. was a Pennsylvania militia leader tried for treason

f. served as president of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society

g. shot Alexander Hamilton in a duel

h. wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

i. acted as a leader of the War Hawks

j. argued for equal educational opportunities for women

k. led efforts to revive a pan-Indian movement


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