
"Gender Matters. So Do Race And Class: Experiences of Gendered Racism on the Wal-Mart Shop Floor," Sandra E, Weissinger
Sandra Weissinger examined complaints made in the Dukes v. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. class action lawsuit to understand the specific ways that individuals who are targeted for mistreatment experience mistreatment in raced, classed and gendered ways. She documents the unequal treatment that women receive in comparison to men, but shows that some women hold contradictory positions. A given woman who is targeted for her gender may be given some privilege linked to her race, thus yielding different outcomes for different women. She argues that discrimination based on sex alone does not explain the variation in women's experiences.
She concludes that discriminatory work atmospheres are maintained in multiple and complex ways, contributing to the persistence of "a web of intersecting and relational inequalities."
To succeed at Wal-Mart White women were socialized to _______________ discrimination against people of color.
a. identify and eliminate
b. accept and replicate
c. reject and report
d. ignore and deny


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