
Google has started a project to scan all books and make those that are not copyrighted available to people free of charge. Why is it important that only books without a copyright are available?

a. If all books were scanned and available free of charge, copyright holders would face a positive incentive to continue writing and publishing books.

b. If all books were scanned and available free of charge, copyright holders would face a negative incentive to continue writing and publishing books.

c. If only copyrighted texts were scanned and available free of charge, copyright holders would face an indirect incentive to continue writing and publishing books.

d. If only non-copyrighted books were scanned and available free of charge, copyright holders would face a negative incentive to continue writing and publishing books.

e. If only non-copyrighted books were scanned and available free of charge, copyright holders would face an indirect incentive to continue writing and publishing books.


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