
How do the views of "new Western historians" contrast with Frederick Jackson Turner's thesis about the westward migration?
A) Turner viewed the migration as a fluid back and forth between the East and West, but new historians point out that very few families who migrated west returned east.
B) Turner viewed the migration as a mix of cultures struggling to get along with Native Americans, but new historians point out that many Native Americans were helpful to the new settlers.
C) Turner saw the migration as a wave of white migrants who traveled west, but new historians look at it as a set of various groups moving in many directions and interacting with each other.
D) Turner saw the migration as a long process, but new historians have pointed out that the entire wave of migration was very concentrated and took place over a relatively short period of time.
E) Turner viewed the migration as a very negative experience for the travelers, but new historians point out that the experience was both positive and negative.


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