
Identify and give the historical significance of each of the following terms, events, and people in a paragraph or two.

1) conquistadores

2) Pueblo Revolt

3) private property

4) African slave trade

5) Columbian Exchange

6) Indian freedom

7) Black Legend

8) mound builders

9) Christopher Columbus

10) Zheng He

11) Bartolom de Las Casas

12) coverture

13) Jesuits

a. claimed Brazil for Portugal in 1500

b. founded Quebec in 1608

c. was an Italian who sailed for Spain in 1492

d. was a Dominican priest who preached against Spanish abuses of Indians

e. was a British economist who wrote The Wealth of Nations

f. was a Spanish conquistador who conquered the Aztecs

g. sailed around southern Africa and into the Indian Ocean

h. was the namesake of America

i. was the first European to discover Newfoundland in 1497

j. explored Florida

k. led seven large naval expeditions in the early 1400s

l. developed a movable-type printing press


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