
Identify the fund type of the fund being described.

1. A fund used to account for the external portion of investment pools reported by the sponsoring government.

2. A fund used to account for resources that are legally restricted to use of the earnings only for government programs or activities.

3. A fund used to account for resources used to pay for a new stadium.

4. A fund used to account for local taxes withheld on behalf of another county.

5. A fund used to account for resources used to pay interest on a long-term bond issue.

6. A fund used to account for specific revenues that are restricted in use.

7. A fund used to account for the local swimming pool that is owned by the city and used by residents for a membership fee.

8. A fund used to account for the centralized data processing services of the state government.

9. A fund used to account for all funds except those required to be accounted for in another fund.

10. A fund that accounts for government pension plans if the government is the trustee


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