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If you find it difficult to listen patiently when you believe that people are not efficient or are not promptly getting to the point during conversations, which listening style preference would you be using?
A. relational
B. analytical
C. task-oriented
D. critical
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Related questions
The responsibility for ensuring that a message is effectively understood falls mostly on the speaker, not on the listener.
Productivity is often reduced in the workplace because of listening mistakes.
In Darlene's performance review, her supervisor pointed out that she frequently misunderstood the tasks and deadlines that had been assigned to her. The supervisor suggested that Darlene should restate, after each team meeting, what she understands her assignment to be. This strategy of rephrasing will give the supervisor a chance to correct any misconceptions. Which type of paraphrasing will Darlene be using?
A. normal
B. feeling
C. content
D. revision
If you paraphrased another person's information to verify that you have accurately noted the facts, which type of paraphrasing technique would you be using?
A. intent
B. content
C. structural
D. feeling
Which of the following is TRUE about gender difference in listening behavior?
A. Women listen better than men do.
B. Men tend to listen for feelings rather than facts.
C. Women tend to listen for the facts and ignore feelings in messages.
D. We can improve our communication by becoming aware of gender differences in listening and asking the speaker to clarify their meaning.
Courtney continuously checks her email and texts responses while sitting in her biology lecture. Not surprisingly, she has trouble understanding many of the concepts she's supposed to be learning. Which type of barrier to effective listening does this represent?
A. physiological barrier
B. message overload
C. ethnocentrism
D. faulty assumption
Having mental "spare time" while listening is the result of
A. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
B. speech rates of 125 words per minute and thought rates of 500 words per minute.
C. our inability to process information as quickly as a speaker can talk.
D. the hectic pace of the business place today.
Samar has been having difficulty hearing what people are saying at the opposite end of the table, so he's decided to begin wearing a hearing aid to assist him during sales meetings. Which of the barriers to effective listening is reflected in Samar's need for a hearing aid?
A. physiological barrier
B. environmental barrier
C. attitudinal barrier
D. faulty assumption
Robert was listening to the instructions provided by his boss. However, it was difficult to hear each step because Caitlin and Josh were engaged in a discussion close by. Which barrier to effective listening is hindering Robert's ability to listen to his boss?
A. environmental
B. attitudinal barrier
C. egocentrism
D. physiological barriers
Adam believes that he is a good listener because he doesn't interrupt others. However, Adam doesn't paraphrase or ask clarifying questions of the speaker, and he doesn't attend to the speaker's nonverbal cues. Adam is mistakenly assuming that
A. effective communication is the listener's responsibility.
B. listening is a passive process.
C. talking has more advantages than listening.
D. the communication model is accurate.
When Pierre doesn't understand his supervisor's instructions, he blames his boss for not making the instructions clear. Pierre's belief that effective communication is always the sender's responsibility is an example of which of the following barriers to effective listening?
A. physiological
B. false assumption
C. sociocultural differences
D. lack of training
According to Peter Drucker, a management expert, effective communication is
A. the responsibility of the receiver.
B. the responsibility of the sender.
C. a burden that isn't worth your time.
D. wasted if the receiver doesn't listen well.
Explain the differences between individualistic and collectivistic cultures; provide examples of both types.
Explain why patterns of communication that have worked well with traditional American organizations don't always succeed with a culturally diverse workforce. In your answer, describe several types of cultural patterns that might clash with mainstream workplace practices in the U.S.
It can be helpful to talk about ethnic differences openly in an organization, but only if attitudes are constructive and language is non-inflammatory.
A statement such as "I never even notice that you're black" is an effective way to demonstrate an attitude of equality.
Informal networks can be useful for expediting the movement of messages through an organization.
Businesses can usually profit from paying attention to the opinions of their employees.
Your boss tore a ligament in a weekend skiing accident. It would be appropriate to show your personal concern by sending him the following Instant Message from your work computer: "2 bad 4 u, that sux."
Your instructor assigns you to a small group of students, each of whom comes from a different culture. These cultural differences are an example of the "physical context" of the group.
According to the communication model, we can use feedback to build shared meaning.
If you forget to respond to a voice mail, your lack of response provides feedback to the person who called.
Fax, e-mail, and voice mail are examples of communication channels.
A recent survey suggests that many students overestimate their own communication competence and underestimate the importance of effective communication in the workplace.
All of the following methods are recommended for cultivating personal networks except
A. express appreciation when others give you helpful information.
B. put people in touch who might benefit from knowing one another.
C. gather secondary referrals from your personal acquaintances.
D. trust only those employees who have been in the organization for a long time and who hold positions higher than yours.
Communication through informal networks in an organization
A. is slower than communication through formal communication networks.
B. is always less dependable than communication through formal channels.
C. sometimes contradicts information received through formal networks.
D. hinders innovation.
Maria and Adnan work in different departments of the same company. They discovered that it was much quicker to e-mail each other for information they needed from each other's departments than to wait for the official company newsletter to arrive. This is an example of the __________ function of informal communication.
A. confirming
B. expanding
C. expediting
D. contradicting
The text suggests all of the following as ways to gain recognition from your boss except
A. tell the boss that you deserve most of the credit when the project was actually a team creation.
B. have your ideas printed in the company newsletter.
C. thank coworkers who help you with projects.
D. present creative proposals to your boss.
Effective downward communication
A. can be used to give employees feedback about their performance.
B. is unnecessary when things are running well in an organization.
C. is delivered too frequently by most managers.
D. takes very little time or effort.
Formal communication networks in organizations can be described by all of the following EXCEPT:
A. information sent through formal networks tends to be believed less than information heard through informal networks.
B. formal networks embody management's idea of who ought to communicate to whom on the job.
C. formal networks are workplace communication flow as described in organizational charts.
D. formal networks are the most rapid form of communication in an organization.