
In Granholm v. Heald, New York and Michigan (states) enacted laws which allowed in-state wineries to ship their product directly to their residents but required out-of-state wineries to deal through instate wholesalers thereby adding additional layers to the transaction. Various out-of-state wineries sued:
A.The wineries were successful because the Commerce Clause prohibits states from enacting laws that mandate different treatment of in-state and out-of-state economic interests that benefit the former and burden the latter without proving a legitimate and legal state interest in the discrimination
B.The wineries were successful because the states could not prove that their in-state wine industry would be harmed.
C.The states were successful because the Twenty First Amendment provided an effective and uniform system for controlling liquor by regulating its transport, importation and use.
D.The states were successful because they were able to show that without the legislation, they could not control tax evasion from out-of- state breweries and their economies would be irrevocably harmed and their citizens would bear an unfair tax burden.


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