
In 1989, the Carnegie Corporation issued an extremely negative evaluation of U.S. middle schools. They made several recommendations for how to improve schools. Imagine you are a middle school principal and can institute any changes you want. Based on these recommendations what kind of things would you do to create a more effective schools for adolescents?

In 1989, the Carnegie Corporation issued an extremely negative evaluation of U.S. middle schools. It recommended that the nation should develop smaller "communities" or "houses" to lessen the impersonal nature of large middle schools, have lower student-to-counselor ratios (10 to 1 instead of several hundred to 1), involve parents and community leaders in schools, develop new curricula, have teachers team teach in more flexibly designed curriculum blocks that integrate several disciplines, boost students' health and fitness with more in-school programs, and help students who need public health care to get it.


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