
___ 1. manifest destiny

___ 2. Wilmot Proviso

___ 3. Kansas-Nebraska Act

___ 4. Fugitive Slave Act

___ 5. Ostend Manifesto

___ 6. Free Soil Party

___ 7. Compromise of 1850

___ 8. Know-Nothing Party

___ 9. Tejanos

___ 10. Appeal of the Independent Democrats

___ 11. filibustering

___ 12. gold rush

a. issued by antislavery congressmen

b. suggested that the United States buy or seize Cuba

c. returned runaway slaves to their masters

d. Americas mission to settle the West

e. Texas settlers of Spanish or Mexican descent

f. sudden increase in Californias population

g. voided the Missouri Compromise

h. no slavery in land acquired by Mexico

i. expedition to Central America

j. opponents to the expansion of slavery

k. anti-immigrant political party

l. Californias entry into the Union as a free state


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